Whaddayaknow?! My little girl turned 7 months old last Monday! I couldn't believe it. I remember just staring at her in bed the night before and feeling incredibly thankful to have her, wondering what good thing I did to deserve such a beautiful, healthy, well behaved baby girl.
September 6th was a day full of extremes. The hubs and I left the house at 3:30am to go get my board certificates and complete my application requirements. I was so sweaty and exhausted by noon and I didn't think I would make it out of there alive. But I did thank goodness, and we got home around 3pm. Just in time for my baby's 7th month birthday party!
My MIL and SIL set up a hotdog party at my husband's relatives' place and it was the perfect time to dress Iaine up in a super girl costume! We bought it weeks before just for the occasion. Great timing too, cos the "party" was extra special. There wasn't any cake though or else we would be late. But it didn't matter-- it was a fun afternoon and the food was delish!
Cheers to a super 7th month!
Beer tower, hollaaaaa. Haha, it's juice. :P